The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

You have given me expectation
a delight that is ruddy
with hope seeping in.
You are dressing me with authority.
Buoyant with a new blouse
that feels like heaven coming down for me
This moment of come-through
where awe is flooding and awe is returning.
A door that is opening. A job that is springing in front of me that is Apple and Apple Park and pleasing.

I feel like Lucy in the wardrobe. Like a spell is breaking and the very closet I thought I was stuck in, where the clutter I was under and the hard place I was pressed back,  just turned into an opening.

After chapters of long passages and hallways leading into empty rooms, I was shuffling between heavy coats and musky suits and a wardrobe that wasn't mine. I kept reaching through this worn-out wardrobe when suddenly I felt a tree branch brisk my face.  

I felt the light a new place with sunlight and I am wandering into the open. It's like I found this magic opening, an entrance to a new place.  I am seeing Narnia and there are Apple Trees and orchards and a place like a park.  

I just stepped into a place that is pleasant. A place that I found by mistake.
an entrance to another land. 

God, You are bringing me into your Affection and it feels like Narnia. Where I start to walk and step out with a new walk-through
This place that is singing.
A way that is pleasing.
A land with a yes that is seeping.