Pick up your skirt and walk

Pick up your skirt and walk.
You make it like this could be Mt. Zion.
This could be your homeland.
You keep going finding the real

The pleasure you pierce me with.

It's all about being adored.

Take your cute shoes and red lipstick and go
Take your one shot.  Take your real shot. 
Take your beaming shot.   

Pick up your skirt and walk.

as if this could be your home land, 

I want to share in it and play in it and be your overcomer.

You make it like this could be Mt. Zion
This could be your homeland.
You keep going finding the real

The pleasure you pierce me with.

It's all about being adored.

Take your cute shoes and lipstick and go
Take your one shot.  Take your real shot. 
Take your beaming shot.   

No more wimpy things or sidestep things. 





No more wimpy things or sidestep things. 





I took my iPhone for a walk

I love how Haight Street spins in the last leak of magic hour.  This is how the city shakes off the storm.   All the bicycles spinning by and getting back home.    What happened when following the last leaks of magic hour.


this is how good it felt to be with Wendy in the Panhandle.  

All these ways you redo.  All these ways you love to bring me pleasure.


Blessed are you when you are persecuted

Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad; for great is our reward in heaven, Matthew 5.  Every drop of it. Every drop of this sorrow.

Every drop of this recompose.  Every time the dripping show. For you are the one who climbs the tree.  You are the one who wants to come over exceedingly.

your exceeding might.

Your exceeding might. 

Calmness at my Sister's House

As close to you like this.  Remembering where I came from.  Remembering your Holy closeness.  How divine life can be.  How clean and ready.  How hoping.  How jeweled.

My sister's simple house of enthrall. 

Remembering the loveliness from where I came.  With all the things I wanted.  With all the ways I'll be known.  How you want to stir me in.

To my hope.  To my hardiness.  In the City that I love.  In the city where I feel like a part of it.


Everything you do so witty.  Waking in the morning.  Lovely in dear.  Totally jeweled and coated.  You are marveling.  You are giddy in your enthrall.  For beautiful things.


October 14th and on

Now I'm spreading out. October 13th a new day, taking over everything I desired.   hoping to be your one desire.  Hoping to be adored.

There has been a hot tub there has been a piano outdoors. There has been Indian Food and friends and uncontainable crowds...


The days were like gold and spilling into the glory room, The first rain, the close to reign.  When I let you reign. 

How you are shining.  

When you adorn you fix everything.   

when you adorn y majesty When you adorn I get to sit closely.  

The feeling of family.
The faeling of being home.

Christy and I getting ready. and nothing to prime. Wishing I wasn't 

Everything that occurs. everything that pulls me through lovely.

You are the one that pulls me through love me. 

I let go of things that could discount me. 

That could leave me raw.

That could leave me without matter.

You are my matter.


Fireworks like a parachute

Your thoughts are better than my thoughts

Right when I was sinking, Right when I was feeling down on all my attempts, Colleen and I pulled out of Kirtan. We went in the circle room and I spread out my heart.  Have you ever cried at the end of a trail that is out of some diminished stroke? Like some diminished blush of a heart disappointed. It was one of those and I was going in circles. 

 Then the fireworks starting to pour out.   What? Fireworks in October.  The 150th Anniversary of Santa Cruz. These were no basic fireworks.  These were severely amazing with all kinds of rochoche.   Fireworks Like paracahutes.   

God saying no more almost.  God wiping my tears.  God wanting to dazzle me outpour on me. God taking the show.   Seeing a parachute gold and purple.  No more defeating.  Cutting of my sadness like some heavy metal show.  Something lovely and outpouring.   offering me his Yes.  offering me his mighty dress.  Offering me all kinds of fireworks.  My outbursts. His total yea