The Surrendered life. You can become Creative

This I just read in Stanley Jones "In Christ."  In Christ you can become creative--creating newborn souls, new hopes, new movements, new thinking, new acting new loving, new health, new everything. To share the creative activity of Jesus and become a center of creation is the glorious and breathtaking privilege of those in Christ.  

The pastor guides his flock--to guide what has already been created.  The really surrendered person, however, who lets the creative power of Jesus work through him becomes a spiritual father, creating newborn souls.  This is normal.  Every Christian should be spiritually creative, or else he sinks into the subnormal, the sub-Christian.

The Creative Christian knows that he is only the channel of the Creative Spirit of Jesus within him.  Only the surrendered are creative.  The self-assertive become the guides, the fussy managers of other people.

Oh Lord, work in and through me this day with Creative power.  I want to be the "mother" of some new life in Thee today.